Ladd Ehlinger, Jr. Film Artist, Commercials, Independent Films Creative Genius – Ladd Ehlinger Jr. Media
Ladd Ehlinger Jr. has worn many hats in his varied career – writer, director, producer, editor, cinematographer, 3D animator, blogger, programmer, weapon systems designer, even radio talk show host. He worked for NASA and the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command making animations, videos, and various classified websites. After that, he cofounded an online 3D render farm called Respower with clients like Paramount (Star Trek), Sony, Nikelodean, Disney, and more. He then made two independent feature films: Flatland and Hive Mind. Flatland is an animated adaptation of the 1886 novel by Edwin A. Abbott. It is a cult classic novel of math and religion, popular with such luminaries as Asimov,
Einstein, Hawking and Sagan. Flatland The Film is now a favorite of math and geometry teachers world-wide who wish to treat their students to a brief reprieve of the torture of their classes.